Death familiarity and eternal life in Poetical works of Sohrab Sepehri and Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Sepehri, Pushkin, death, eternal life, mysticaAbstract
Death and eternal life are amongst the most important issues that humans have faced throughout history and still try to find a correct answer to the whyness of creation and its philosophy. Each of the Philosophers and mystical poets viewed this topic from a specific aspect. Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, the father of Russian poetry, has also a diverse and different point of view toward death. He has addressed this issue from different points of view. Sohrab Sepehri contemporary poet of Iran (1307-1359) also has taught about death and life in some of his poems. This topic mutuality has been the subject of present research in order to the two poets different thoughts be analyzed. Regarding to the specific worldview of each poets their attitude toward these two topics are different comparing to each other.Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to find an answer to the question that how death familiarity and eternal life has been explained in Pushkin’s and Sepehri’s Poetical works and to analyze it by using a descriptive and analytical method. Both Sepehri and Pushkin issue death as much as other fundamental human issues and they keep a positive and steady attitude toward death and accept it as a reality of life.
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