Studying the Role of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the Regional Convergence of the Islamic Emirate of Afghnaistan




Convergence, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Unilateralism, Legitimization, Regionalism


In the contemporary era, the actions and consequences of actors and incidents extend beyond the domestic spheres of countries, as political advancements have implications for other nations. With the emergence of the Islamic Emirate's prominence in 2021, regional dynamics have transformed, as new actors pursue specific objectives and rules. Countries involved in Afghan affairs perceive the absence of the United States within the regional framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as a chance for both the Islamic Emirate government and its member states. Given the significance of this subject, the primary research question is: What role does the SCO play in the regional integration of the Islamic Emirate government? The hypothesis is that the SCO views the Islamic Emirate's anti-ISIS policies as an opportunity for security, political, and economic convergence. This study adopts an explanatory methodology and collects data through library research, encompassing scientific journals and reliable news agencies. These findings indicate that the SCO aligns with the current government in combating ISIS and drug trafficking. This approach enables the Islamic Emirate to seize opportunities for regional political legitimacy, economic collaboration utilizing member states' economic mechanisms, and security convergence through anti-terrorism efforts, thus facilitating meaningful interaction.

Author Biography

Alireza Ansary (kargar),  Administrative Department - Diplomacy, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Jami University, Herat, Afghanistan

 Administrative Department - Diplomacy, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Jami University, Herat, Afghanistan


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How to Cite

Ansary (kargar) ع. (2024). Studying the Role of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the Regional Convergence of the Islamic Emirate of Afghnaistan. Ghalib Journal, 13(3), ۶۷-۸۹.