Justifications for Supporting the Right to Human Life Based on Islamic Teachings
Life, Right to Life, Quran, Jurisprudence, Law, Human, ReligionAbstract
The issue of life, in absolute terms, holds a special significance in the cosmos. It makes no difference which part of existence this life belongs to, as life holds the same importance for nature as it does for humanity. However, life for humans possesses a distinct value because humans are superior and unique beings for whom all existence and nature are designed to ensure their survival and serve their needs. The topic of life is considered one of the most critical discussions in the realm of human rights. Islam has consistently defended this human right, emphasizing its significance. Almighty Allah equates the protection of a single human life to granting life to all humanity and regards the deprivation of this right as equivalent to the deprivation of life for all humanity. This underscores the importance and necessity of investigating the right to human life. The aim of this research is to elucidate and highlight the value of humans as reflected in Islam’s primary sources. Key questions addressed include: What measures and strategies has Islam proposed to protect and support human life? Why is human life given less attention in Islamic societies? On what principles is the wisdom and philosophy of retribution (Qesaas) in Islam based? This research is a library-based study conducted using an analytical-descriptive method and first-hand Islamic sources. The findings of the study demonstrate that Islam, unequivocally and comprehensively, supports human beings and their lives, considering any violation of human life as the gravest crime against humanity and a rebellion against divine commandments.
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