Turkey's role in Afghanistan's political and security developments





Role of Turkiye, Foreign Policy & security, Afghanistan


Turkey, as a regional power and NATO member, has played an active role in Afghanistan's developments in recent years. In fact, after the US-led coalition attacked Afghanistan in 2001, Turkey has been active as a NATO member in the civilian sphere in Afghanistan, and after the withdrawal of the US and NATO, it has tried to maintain its influence in this country. In this regard, the main question of the artıcle is, what has been the role of Turkey in the developments of Afghanistan? This research has been done using the qualitative method and the application of role theory.The hypothesis of the thesis is based on the fact that Turkey's role in Afghanistan has fluctuated based on the role model between developer (as a member of NATO) and mediator (as an independent actor in the peace process) based on the internal situation of Afghanistan and external conditions. In addition, the findings of the research show that Turkey's role in Afghanistan, despite changing the methods and means of cooperation, is based on maintaining Turkey's influence in this country as a sign of Turkey's regional power components and a tool for political bargaining with It has been the West, especially US.

Author Biographies

Dr. Rahmat Hajimineh , Islamic Azad University

Assistant Professor of International Relations, Department of Communication and Social Sciences, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Shirin Tajik, Allameh Tabatabai University

Master's Degree in Regional Studies, Eco Faculty, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


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How to Cite

HajiMina ر., & Tajik ش. (2023). Turkey’s role in Afghanistan’s political and security developments . Ghalib Journal, 12(1), ۸۷-۱۰۶. https://doi.org/10.58342/ghalibqj.V40.I1.5