Study of the Impact of Organizational Competency on Employees' Professional Ethics in Ministry of Higher Education of in Afghanistan




Organizational Competence, Professional Ethics, Employees, Ministry of Higher Education, Afghanistan


The aim of this study is to probe the effect of organizational competence on the professional ethics of employees in the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan. Scientific knowledge of the effective factors on the promotion of work ethics, clarifying its various dimensions and criteria due to the significant role that it plays in the realization of all-round development and improvement of productivity. Considering the fact that the body of the administrative system of any organization is made up of its employees and neglecting their administrative and job problems has caused stagnation and underemployment in the organization that leads to customer dissatisfaction. Finally, its consequences are affected by management; For this reason, human resources committed to the goals and values of the organization is the main indicator of the superiority of an organization compared to other organizations, and it increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization, and will lead to the progress and development of the society in the face of global changes. The research method is a descriptive survey, and the statistical population of the study was all the employees of the Ministry of Higher Education of Afghanistan, and the sample size is 224 people; the data collection tool is a questionnaire and for the analysis of data, the method of PLS Smart software is used. The results of the research show that the more the organizational competence is improved, the more the professional ethics of the employees will be improved. It can be said that by improving the organizational competence, the cultural dimension, duty and equality of the professional ethics of the employees in the organization can be improved.

Author Biographies

حمیده شکاری, Payam Noor University

Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

Sayed Obyedullah Sadat, Payam Noor University

Graduated in Public Administration, Payam Noor University, Kabul Branch, Kabul, Afghanistan


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How to Cite

شکاری ح., & Sadat س. ع. (2023). Study of the Impact of Organizational Competency on Employees’ Professional Ethics in Ministry of Higher Education of in Afghanistan. Ghalib Journal, 12(4), ۱۸۹-۲۱۳.