Existential Determination in Imam Rabbani's Ontology and his criticism of the Levels of Existence in Ibne Arabi's School





Imam Rabbani, Ibn Arabi, love and existential determination, Ontology, Mohammadi truth


Imam Rabani (Majdad Alif-Sani), who lived at the end of the ninth and the beginning of the tenth century of Hiri is one of the greatest mystics of recent centuries and has new views in Sufism and mysticism. He emphasized the theory of the intuition unity in contrast to the existential unity of Muheyuddin Ibne Arabi and his followers, even though he, in fact, experienced the existential unity for many years, But in the end, he passed through its conditions and knowledge and made a wide scientific-critical discourse against his theory of ontological unity; Imam Rabbani took the effort to criticize it and with the help of explicit discoveries, texts and intellectual proofs, he considered the mystical theories of existential unity from understanding the facts and levels of existence to be incomplete and reformable.This research, which was carried out by analytical-comparative method on the opinions of Imam Rabbani, aims to study the mentioned issue. Despite the fact that Imam Rabbani does not agree with the use of terms such as "determination" since it has become a term among the sages, it is unnecessarily used. The findings of the research show that Imam Rabbani considers the first determination to be a loving (Hobbi) or existential (Vojodi) determination, that the light of this determination is based on divine truths (Haqayeq_e_Elahiye) (Ka'aba, Holy Quran, Salah, and Pure divinity) and these truths have an unknown connection to God. The second determination in his belief is the dignity of life (Sha'an_ol_hayat) and the third determination is the dignity of knowledge (Sha'an_ol_elm). In simple words, above the first determination that Ibn Arabi stated, Imam Rabbani proves five other determinations or truths (Sha'an_ol_hayat, the chastity (Khullat), to be loved (Mohebbiyat), to love or popularity (Mahbobiat), and the pure love (Hobb_e_serfe).

Author Biographies

Azizullah Mojaddedi, University of Tehran

Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Alimohammad Moazzeni, Tehran University

Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, College of Literature and Humanities, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

Abdoreza Seyf , Tehran University

Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, College of Literature and Humanities, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

Alireza Hajiyan Nezhad, Tehran University

4Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Tehran University, Iran


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How to Cite

Mojaddedi ع., Moazzeni ع. م., Seyf ع., & Hajiyan Nezhad ع. (2023). Existential Determination in Imam Rabbani’s Ontology and his criticism of the Levels of Existence in Ibne Arabi’s School. Ghalib Journal, 12(4), ۸۱-۱۰۱. https://doi.org/10.58342/ghalibqj.V.12.I.4.5