Personal status or Family System in Jewish Religion




Personal Status, Jewish Religion, Family system


Personal status since the beginning of creation, has been one of the significant and fundamental issues and has a prominent place among humans. Each of the heavenly and human religions gives special value to this issue, as they have opened a special chapter for it in their jurisprudence and legal books. One of the heavenly religions is Judaism; this ritual has given special importance to personal status.

The significance of the issue is that there are close relationships in some worship issues that are not distorted, and there are other issues between the heavenly religions of Islam and Judaism. The research has been done in a library style with a descriptive-analytical method and by using reliable historical and ideological sources and studying these sources via books. The results obtained from this research show that every religion has its own different legal rules based on its way.

In some cases, many similarities were shown in these religions, it is possible that these similarities make us realize that the main origin of these religions was the same at the beginning.

Author Biography

Naseer Ahmad Ayubi, Herat University

Faculty of Sharia, Herat University, Herat, Afganistan


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How to Cite

Ayubi ن. (2023). Personal status or Family System in Jewish Religion. Ghalib Journal, 12(4), ۱۴۵-۱۶۶.