Bayhaqi's studies in Afghanistan


  • AhmadFahim Fayyaz PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabai’s University



Bayhaqi, Tarikh_e_ Bayhaqi, Bayhaqi research, Afghan publications


Tarikh_e_ Bayhaqi is one of the most important prose works written in Persian language so far. Due to its dual nature, this work has always been favored by writers and historians. Valuable researches have been done about this book, in which contemporary writers and researchers of Iran have contributed the most. This article has sought to examine the process of research in Afghanistan and provide a list of the works that have been done in this field so far. The results of this research, which has been done in a descriptive-analytical way, indicate that the research in Afghanistan has unfortunately been very lackluster. Since 80 years ago, no independent book or treatise has been published in this field, and out of 12,200 articles published in 1,220 issues in 15 magazines of the country during this period, only 52 articles are about Bayhaqi and the history of Beyhaqi and 30 related articles. It has been written on the topic of Bayhaqi history, which is about 0.4% of the total research in the field of humanities. The dominant topic in these articles is the geographical research of the prominent places in the history of Bayhaqi. Among the Afghan researchers and writers, Prof. Abdul Hai Habibie has contributed the most in this research by writing 11 related articles and five articles related to the topic of Bayhaqi history. Among the reasons for not paying attention to research in Afghanistan, we can say the political and social unrest of this country, war and insecurity, poverty, lack of standard research centers and lack of government support for researchers.

Author Biography

AhmadFahim Fayyaz, PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabai’s University

دانش‌جوی دکتریِ زبان و ادبیات فارسیِ دانش‌گاه علامه طباطبائی، ایران، تهران


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How to Cite

Fayyaz ا. (2022). Bayhaqi’s studies in Afghanistan. Ghalib Journal, 11(3), ۱۰۹-۱۲۸.