Solutions to increase the trust between the system and the nation in Afghanistan


  • Dr. Mohammad Taher Tonzai, Ph.D Ghalib University-Herat



trust building, system, nation, state building, nation building, Afghanistan


In order to achieve the lofty goals of science and knowledge, it is necessary to carry out research in different sectors, in order to provide solutions to improve the condition of human society by using scientific and research solutions. This research has been compiled with the aim of investigating useful solutions for building trust between the system and the nation in Afghanistan. Looking at the political history of Afghanistan, we find that this country has always faced various problems. Despite the efforts that have been made after the dominance of the Islamic Emirate system in Afghanistan; Again, the question is raised, what factors can be useful solutions for building trust between the system and the nation in Afghanistan? So that the government and the nation can finally walk the path of development and prosperity together. The research method of this research is descriptive-analytical and using the tools of books, scientific journals, reliable scientific sites, theses, and reliable articles.The results of this research show that the incomplete process of the formation of the modern nation-state in Afghanistan after 2001, which is based on relying on the western foundations of nation-state-building in Afghanistan and has caused mistrust between the government and the nation in Afghanistan; Now it is possible to build more trust by observing social justice, empathy and common language between the system and the nation, paying attention to and respecting small cultures, managing ethnic and identity gaps, paying attention to the role of the media, respecting constructive criticism and paying attention to the economic and livelihood status of the people. And it became better between the nation and the system in Afghanistan.

Author Biography

Dr. Mohammad Taher Tonzai, Ph.D, Ghalib University-Herat

Member of Administration – Diplomacy Department, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Ghalib University-Herat, Herat, Afghanistan


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How to Cite

Tonzai م. (2022). Solutions to increase the trust between the system and the nation in Afghanistan. Ghalib Journal, 11(4), ۲۳-۳۹.