The criteria of Right and wrong in Judgement from the Perspective of the Holy Quran

(Based on Jurisprudence and belief of Imamiya)




standard, Right and wrong, arbitration and Judegement, Holy Quran, Jurisprudence and Belief of Imamiyyah


Truth and falsehood, as two mutually exclusive concepts in human literature, have a life as old as the history of the creation of Hazrat Adam, where there has been a constant battle between truth and falsehood. The importance of this issue is clear. To achieve happiness and to distinguish the right path from the false one, we need the criteria of right and wrong in judgment from the perspective of the Holy Quran so that we can find the right path and support it during our stances to avoid the wrong way. The purpose of this article is to present the criteria of right and wrong from the perspective of the Holy Quran; Therefore, our main question is what are the principles and criteria for recognizing right and wrong in judging from the perspective of the Holy Quran? And in what perspective the dimension is considered in the Holly Qur'an? For this purpose, in this research, in an analytical-descriptive way, the verses related to the discussion of right and wrong have been extracted and then analyzed and concluded; Therefore, along with the Holy Qur'an, authentic interpretations of the Qur'an, the logical book, and dictionaries were used so that we could learn more about the topic of research and reach what is intended. Our findings show: that among these criteria, we can pay attention to these indicators: not being bound by falsehood, not being consistent with human nature, not being rationally false, not having moderateness and balance, not being consistent with divine revelation, creating unbelief, creating divisions, not reforming, bad performance, and causing wandering. and going astray; Therefore, whoever has these characteristics, whether he wants it or not, has fallen on the path of falsehood and his judgment is towards falsehood.

Author Biographies

Behzad Biranvand, Islamic Azad University

Ph.D. student of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Fasa Branch, Islamic Azad University, Fasa, Iran

Seyyed Mustafa Manaqib, Payam Noor University

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Aran and Bidgol Branch, Payam Noor University, Aran and Bidgol, Iran

ناصر مؤمنی, Payam Noor University

Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Isfahan Branch, Payam Noor University, Isfahan, Iran


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How to Cite

biranvand ب., Manaqib س. م., & مؤمنی ن. (2023). The criteria of Right and wrong in Judgement from the Perspective of the Holy Quran: (Based on Jurisprudence and belief of Imamiya). Ghalib Journal, 12(4), ۳۵-۵۸.