Critical Analysis of the First Part of Mowlana's Biography

(From Birth to Meeting Shams Tabrizi)




Mowlana, Baha Walad, Burhan al-Din Muhaqqiq Tirmidhi, jurisprudence, mysticism


The biographical account of Mowlana Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi, relying on ancient biographical sources and the general principle that the earliest manuscripts are the most authentic, has discredited many biographers who have not taken a critical and scientific approach to it. This research, based on credible sources, adopts a critical perspective on Mowlana's life, events, and experiences. The present study examines the first half of Mowlana’s life, which is divided into two parts: the first part covers Mowlana's birth until his education in jurisprudence and his role in delivering sermons and teaching sessions; the second part focuses on the development of ascetic Sufism with the guidance of Sayed Burhan al-Din Muhaqqiq Tirmidhi, which can be seen as a precursor to Mowlana’s later period of passionate mysticism. This research addresses the question: Was Mowlana the mystic, solely product of Shams Tabrizi's mystical teachings, or did the companionship of mentors like Sayed Burhan al-Din Muhaqqiq Tirmidhi, along with studying under teachers like Ibn al-Adim and others, as well as the influence of sociological factors such as political, social, geographical, and historical conditions, play an undeniable role in Mowlana's becoming a mystic? The findings indicate that despite the views of some Turkish and Western Rumi scholars, Mowlana’s birthplace was the city of Balkh, not Vakhsh. Additionally, Mowlana's process of spiritual asceticism and mystical path began before his meeting with Shams, guided by Burhan al-Din Muhaqqiq Tirmidhi.

Author Biography

Mozhgan Osmani, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad & Herat University

Ph.D. student in Persian Language and Literature at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, and faculty of the Dari Literature Department, Faculty of Education, Herat University, Herat, Afghanistan


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How to Cite

Osmani م. (2024). Critical Analysis of the First Part of Mowlana’s Biography: (From Birth to Meeting Shams Tabrizi). Ghalib Journal, 13(2), ۱۴۷-۱۶۸.