Developmental Prevention of Violence against Children in Afghanistan




Violence, Preventive Measures, Developmental Prevention, Children, Afghanistan


Violence against children is seen in different societies; but in Afghanistan, due to the unfortunate social, economic, political, cultural conditions, and especially the weakness of educational processes, this phenomenon is excessive and leaves devastating consequences. The question is, what measures can be taken against the increasing waves of violence against children and what preventive mechanism can be adopted to reduce violence against children? The answer to this question is important; What if the future of the country depends on the support of future-making children. This article addresses this issue with an analytical method using library data and a criminological approach. The findings of the research show that: situational and social prevention is not suitable for preventing violence against children in the current conditions of Afghanistan. The best way is to remove the vulnerability of children at risk through educational and monitoring mechanisms contained in growth-oriented prevention which include specific proposals regarding the revision of the educational texts, the creation of a counseling center in schools, the training of parents and teachers, and the holding of the circle program, providing family services, establishing a legal clinic for children, creating a statistics center and reporting violence against children, etc. These cases can be considered as the effective ways to ensure children's immunity.

Author Biography

Dr. Abdolmalek Vahidi (PhD), Ghalib University-Herat

faculty of Law and Political Science, Ghalib University, Herat, Afghanistan


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How to Cite

Vahidi ع. (2023). Developmental Prevention of Violence against Children in Afghanistan. Ghalib Journal, 12(2), ۱۷۳-۱۹۲.