Imam Abu Hanifah's Approach towards Moderation




Imam Abu Hanifah, Moderation, Approach, Rationalism


The discussion of moderation is one of the most common and necessary concepts in human societies. Different groups and schools have adopted their own special procedures in this field. According to some people, among the four Sunni religions, Hanafi religion is considered the most moderate; but practically, this assumption is not very compatible with the current approach of the Hanafs. Now, the main issue is, what was Imam Abu Hanifa's approach towards moderation, can moderation be caught from the side of his thoughts? He came to conclusion that his approach was moderation, and now the followers of the Hanafi religion have deviated from this path. Therefore, this research sought to find an answer to this question of what Imam's approach to moderation was. Using the theoretical method, library data has been analyzed and described. Finally, this conclusion has been reached that: Imam Abu Hanifah had shown moderation in all fields, whether in front of political issues or jurisprudential issues. Examples regarding politics, the issue of the manifestation of the sovereignty and sovereignty of the state in Muslim imam, and regarding jurisprudence, the issues of making things easier in worship and transactions, respecting the status of the poor and weak in zakat and charity, etc… are among the cases that show Imam Abu Hanifah’s moderation.

Author Biography

Fazal ahmad Ahmadi, Hariwa Institute of Higher Education

Hariwa Institute of Higher Education, Herat, Afghanistan


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How to Cite

Ahmadi ف. (2023). Imam Abu Hanifah’s Approach towards Moderation. Ghalib Journal, 12(2), ۱۵۵-۱۷۲.