Painting of Herat during Temori Time and its Extension from Behzad to Mashal
Herat, Timurian, Behzad, Meshal, paintingAbstract
Timuri period is considered as one of the most significant periods in the history of Herat in terms of literature and art, and the art of painting flourished in this period. The historical course of the art of painting from that time to the contemporary period is valuable and opens the way to knowing the civilization of this period. The discussion on this issue is important because of the need of today's people to know about the history of painting in Herat. This issue has been researched in this article based on such value and importance with analytical-descriptive method. Its main purpose is to highlight the indexs of art in the 9th century and the contemporary period and clarify their role; it will answer how the decline of the art of painting in Herat happened and how and by whom was the beginning of its revival. The leader of the Timuri era in painting was Behzad Heravi, but after the decline of the art of painting, the art of painting in the contemporary era is revived by Meshaal Ghori and its continuation has been going on until today by his students.
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