Perception of the Residents of Herat about Ghalib University
(Target population: Employers)
Ghalib University, perception of Herat residents, employersAbstract
Today, university is considered to be the manifestation of transformation and innovation, and it has serious and ponderable effects on the society. Also, it gets affected a lot. Indeed, university is not isolated from the society, and in fact, many of its problems are a reflection of our changing world. Universities, as the main arteries of the expansion of science and culture in the community, have always had a special value and respect. They are both human makers and culture creators; accordingly, as necessary, in this research, the effort was made to determine the imagination of the residents of Herat (target population: employers) about Ghalib University. The participants of the following research are the citizens of Herat city, and based on simple random probability sampling, the sample population that was the result of Schumacher and Lomax formula of 320 people, were studied by using a questionnaire. The acquired information was also analyzed using SPSS24 and Smart PLs 30 software, the results of which indicate that among the employers, university and society linked values with an impact factor of 0.908 have the highest importance and social responsibility values with an impact factor of 0.578 have the lowest importance.
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