A symbolic Reading of the Poem "Ta Inteha-E-Hozor" by Sohrab Sepehri





Sohrab Sepehari, Symbol, Dream, Eternal night, Truth, Revelation


Sohrab Sepehri is one of the few contemporary poets whose tendency towards mystical thoughts is clear in his poems, and his poems have a surrealistic atmosphere. This is why Sepehri's poems have the necessary capacity for symbolical investigations. Symbolology is an approach that analyzes the symbols in the literary work to find their hidden meanings. In this research, Sohrab Sepehri's poem "Ta Inteha-E Hozoor" which is related to the notebook "Ma Hich, Ma Nagha" and the last poem of his poetical works, has been analyzed from symbology viewpoint and a new reading has been obtained from it. The research has been done with an analytical-descriptive-symbolological approach and relying on documentary and library studies. The aim of the current research is to see if it is possible to read Sohrab Sepehri's poem "Dar Inteha-E-Hozoor" with a symbolical approach and whether the meaning that will be obtained with this method has a purposeful relationship with the poet's lived experience or not. Based on this research, this question can be answered positively. There is a connection between Sepehri's lived experience and the mystical meaning of this poem. The findings show that in the poem "Dar Inteha-E-Hozor" it is about a dream-revelation in which the narrator goes to eternal time (Eternal Night) and looks at love, the development of life, the secret of eternity and truth with an insight eye.

Author Biographies

Shirzad Tayefi, Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

Abolfazl Mohebbi, Ph.D. in Persian language and literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

Ph.D. in Persian language and literature, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


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How to Cite

Tayefi ش., & Mohebbi ا. (2024). A symbolic Reading of the Poem "Ta Inteha-E-Hozor" by Sohrab Sepehri. Ghalib Journal, 13(3), ۱-۱۶. https://doi.org/10.58342/ghalibqj.V.13.I.3.1